
What is HIGH CULTURE and LOW CULTURE?? - 男性の文化

Understand the difference between High Culture and Low Culture, and then stick to High Culture.

High culture, a forgotten term lost to political correctiveness, is what we call nowadays as "luxury".
It is the "cultural capital" which passes on to the children of elites, seen as merely natural to them and unknown to the popular masses.

High culture contrasts with popular, or mass, culture in that it is for the consumption of the elites of a society.

Where many self-help books describes that you must have the mindset of a rich man to become a rich man, what it is really telling you is that you must understand the difference between high culture and popular culture, and stick to high culture. Why? Because popular culture is merely for the consumption of the masses. That is the majority of people who spend money on consumption goods. Whereas, high culture has strict rules, complex structures, and valuable lessons that help teach and form an intelligent mindset to the children of elites.

Popular Culture is merely for consumption.

High Culture is for appreciation.

High Culture can be divided into three or four parts.
These are:
1) Classical Music
2) High Art
3) Literary Classics
and 4) Classical Studies.

We will first teach you about Classical Music.

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