Bourdeiu nominated four forms of capital:
1) ECONOMIC (money and assets);
2) CULTURAL (eg. forms of knowledge; taste, aesthetic and cultural preferences; languages, narrative and voice);
3) SOCIAL (eg. affiliations and networks; family, religious and cultural heritage);
4) and SYMBOLIC (things which stand for all of the other forms of capital and can be "exchanged" in other fields, eg. credentials).
However, unlike a carefully manicured football field, there is no level playing ground in a social field; players who begin with particular forms of capital are advantaged at the outset because the field depends on, as well as produces more of, that capital.
Such lucky players are able to use their capital advantage to accumulate more and advance further (be more successful) than others.
今の世界で、はじめは、お金と(二番目としての)社会的な絆。そ の後、教養のある男性にしてもいいよ。
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